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Another Nobody

Aren’t we glad we are just another nobody?

David was a nobody until he found God and then he lived a life of greatness. It was the same with Daniel, Samuel, Rahab, Deborah, and all the other people we now look to as heroes. If you have received Jesus, you must now understand you have been born to be different. To allow God to work in you and as you seek him, he will lift you higher and higher.

From a sheepherder as Moses, from a prison cell as Joseph to second to Pharaoh, as Mary from maiden to mother of God. It is not who, you are, or what you have done, nor the talents and money you possess, it is about our wonderful loving and living God.

The one who has redeemed us from our sin and made us his child and tells us we are now members of his household. The one who tells us in Jeremiah 29:11,

“He thinks thoughts of peace and not of evil towards us to give us an expected end.”

The God who has come and died so we will know a life more abundant. Our God who is no respecter of persons. But that anyone with faith the size of a mustard seed will move the mountains.

It is time we all come to realize we have climbed onto a runaway train of excitement, miracles, and blessings.

Let’s turn loose our faith today and pray. Precious Lord now please be almighty God to me and bless me indeed!

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