For those who don’t know it, Burundi is a small land locked nation in South Central Africa. It is reported by the United Nations as being the most poverty-stricken nation in the world.

This week Pastor Jim & Sister Dolly joined with their dear friend Freddy Muzungu who is originally from Burundi; in setting forth a plan for taking 1,000 Bibles to the remote and poor churches. The strategy is we will be purchasing the Bibles in the native language from the nearest Bible society. Freddy will contact the churches and go there in January. He will then travel throughout the nation to the different church groups and distribute the Bibles. Freddy is a Bible school graduate and has recently become an American Citizen. He will be returning to Rwanda to visit his family and to be married. Please pray with us and for the poor believers in Burundi.
We thank everyone for your support and prayers.