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Our Attitude of Faith

I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-by-day basis is my choice to live by faith. It is more important than my past, my education, my bank roll, my success or failures, fame, or pain, what others think about me, my circumstances, or my position.


My faith keeps me going and stops the doubt that seeks to cripple my progress. It is reflected in my mood, my face, and the way I appear and react to other people. By faith I do unto others as I would have them do unto me. My faith in Jesus Christ keeps me going knowing God is greater. Faith alone feeds my fire while doubt attacks my hope.

Day by day I release my faith and I walk with Christ in his words, “ask of me and you shall receive, knock and the door will open, seek and you shall find.”

With these as the rock of my soul there is no barrier too high and nothing impossible. There is no valley so deep, no dream too big, no challenge too great for me. It is knowing the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is now living in me, I face each day as a lion of Judah knowing I was foreordained by God to overcome.


It is in standing on the declaration by God that he has sworn by himself and cannot lie: That in blessing he is blessing me and in multiplying he is multiplying me, I can now live with this anchor to my soul. It is in knowing the God who woke Joseph up in the morning in a prison cell and put him to sleep that night as second to Pharoah can do the same for me this new day. It is the knowing the God who has proclaimed his thoughts towards me are of peace and not of evil that I can live my life with a smile on my face, with love in my heart, and be positive and joyful no matter what I am facing today.

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I'm blessed to one of this platform for the seek of Kingdom of God .Through Faith in Jesus Christ we become God's chosen and got eternal life.

We thank Pastor Jim to allow this vision from Our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏🏻

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