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The Hart And The Water-Brooks

As the hart panteth after the water-brooks, —so panteth my soul after thee, O God.

“As pants the wearied hart for cooling springs, That sinks exhausted in the summer’s chase; So pants my longing soul, great King of kings! So thirsts to reach Thy sacred dwelling-place. “On briny tears my famish’d soul hath fed, While taunting foes deride my deep despair; ‘Say, where is now thy Great Deliverer fled, Thy mighty God, deserted wanderer, where?’ “Oft dwell my thoughts on those thrice happy days, When to Thy fane I led the willing throng; Our mirth was worship, all our pleasure praise, And festal joys still closed with sacred song. “Why throb, my heart? why sink, my saddening soul, Why droop to earth, with various foes oppress’d? My years shall yet in blissful circles roll, And peace be yet an inmate of this breast. “By Jordan’s banks with devious steps I stray, O’er Hermon’s rugged rocks and deserts dear: E’en there Thy hand shall guide my lonely way, There Thy remembrance shall my spirit cheer. “In rapid floods the vernal torrents roll, Harsh sounding cataracts responsive roar; Thine angry billows overwhelm my soul, And dash my shatter’d bark from shore to shore.

“Yet Thy sure mercies ever in my sight, My heart shall gladden through the tedious day; And ‘midst the dark and gloomy shades of night, To Thee I’ll fondly tune the grateful lay. “Rock of my hope! great Solace of my heart! Why, why desert the offspring of Thy care, While taunting foes thus point th’ invidious dart, ‘Where is thy God, abandon’d wanderer, where?’ “Why faint, my soul? why doubt Jehovah’s aid? Thy God the God of mercy still shall prove; Within His courts thy thanks shall yet be paid, Unquestion’d be His pity and His love.”



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