“The WORDS that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” Reader, have you found this blessed repose in the blood and work of Immanuel? Long going about “seeking rest and finding none,” does this “word” sound like music in your ears - “Come unto Me”? All other peace is counterfeit, shadowy, unreal. The eagle spurns the gilded cage as a poor exchange for his free-born soarings. The soul’s immortal aspirations cannot be satisfied, short of the possession of God’s favor and love in Jesus. How complete is the invitation! If there had been one condition in entering this covenant Ark, we must have been through eternity at the mercy of the storm! But all are alike warranted and welcome, and none more warranted than welcome. For the weak, the weary, the sin-burdened and sorrow-burdened, there is an open door of grace.
The books available on Bibles and Books have undergone reformatting, including changes limited to formatting and fonts, with explicit permission obtained from the authors and/or authorized copyright holders. We have carefully selected these books after fasting and prayer, believing them to be powerful and anointed works by spirit-filled authors who have moved in the power of the Holy Ghost. Our aim in the reformatting process was to enhance readability and reader-friendliness, while fully preserving the original words and intellectual property of the rightful owners without any alteration.

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