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Today Is The Day!

“Maybe it’s not the time”?

As we study our Scriptures, we come to understand God chose the nation Israel for his inheritance. During the Old Testament the prophets foretold there would be a time when God would send a Savior to his people. It also foretold he would come to them, and they would reject him.

“The stone the builders rejected would become the chief cornerstone.”

After their rejecting the Christ God would then open the door to the gentiles.

Oh, happy days let the whole world know Jesus is alive.

There is something I noticed as I read the Gospels through. It concerns the gentile woman who came to Jesus and asked him to cast the demons our of her daughter. He refused because it was not the time yet. The food belonged to the children of Israel. She would not be denied, and He said unto her Great is thy faith!

The Roman Centurion, a gentile sent word to Jesus confessing him to have the authority to heal his servant by simply sending His word. We then read of Jesus saying,

“Truly I say unto you. I have not found so great faith, no not in Israel.”

Are you asking God for a miracle? Are you hearing the voice of doubt asking is this the right time, are you sure God’s will is to do this? Oh, cast these doubts behind you now. God answers faith everywhere, every time, and for everyone who can only believe.

Today is the day of our salvation!

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