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Why Do You Not Believe?

“Beloved, your condition goes to my heart, and many a time I ask myself, What is really the cause of this unbelief? I know that there are some who cannot believe, because their heart is not right before God. The man who loves the world, and does not, with confession of his guilt, go to Jesus with the prayer that he may be delivered from the love of the world, cannot, may not, believe. The man who still cleaves to this and that darling sin, and, for instance, will not have done with deception, love of strife, pride, avarice, and such like iniquities, ought not to be surprised that he cannot believe. Jesus would ask him, ‘How can you believe?’ (John 5:44). It is an impossibility. But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you. I write to you as those of whom I hope that it is in truth their earnest desire to find the Savior, and of whom I really trust that they have truly declared before the Lord: LORD, You know all things, You know that I love You. And with my eye fixed on your condition, I ask myself, ‘What can be the cause of it, and is there no means of delivering you out of it?’ Like the prophet we ask, ‘Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?’ (Jer. 8:22)”—from the Introduction



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