Number one is to take Bibles and give them to Pastors and faithful believers that have none.

Number two is to to equip the church members and provide the training materials necessary so that everyone can come to the stature and fullness of Christ so freely offered to every believer. (Ephesians 4:13)

This has been birthed and matured over the years from the heart of Pastor James O’Connor the international director of Equipping the Saints International. After five decades of ministering, beginning in America, and beyond to Southeast Asia and throughout Africa, Nepal, and other nations; the multitudes begging him for Bibles and his Books has only increased.

God’s providence has taken him not to the developed Church but instead to the poor and hungry souls on the outer fringes of the Christian faith. It is there he has found the pastors and believers without Bibles and teaching materials, while being without the resources to obtain them.
He has found older people who when they have been given the Bibles and training materials weeping and confessing that for many years, they had prayed and asked God for them.
Pastor Jim and Sister Dolly are so humbled and grateful to God for the privilege and joy of providing Bibles and books to the pastors and churches and discovering people fasting and praying for someone to come has brought a joy to their hearts that cannot be exaggerated. As they have given their lives and resources to this the burden has continued to grow. They continue to be obedient to the calling they have received from God to stand in the gap and dedicate their lives to meet this need. Thus, this website ministry was born.

Without apology we confess that this great need will never be met without God’s grace and without the help of many others. We ask for your participation through prayer, volunteering, and financial support.
We are praying for churches to invite us to come and share our vision and for you and others to become members and join us in this eternal work for God’s glory.